Works ー packaging ー Kyo-wa-Uchi-Gohan beer
Kyo-wa-Uchi-Gohan beer
Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd.
Category: Packaging Date: 2017
手描き風のイラストを多く用いることで、家庭の食卓を思わせる、温かみのある表情を目指しました。 品質感のあるブルーとシャンパンゴールドにマット印刷を施すことで、ゆったりとした夜の落ち着きを演出しました。
Kyo-wa-Uchi-gohan literally means "let's dine at home tonight." It is a beer that adds a bit of luxury to the everyday dinner table, with the mellowness of non-filtered process beer and the aroma of smoked malt.
Illustrations in a hand-drawn taste are used to make a warm soft expression reminiscent of a family dinner table. The blue and champagne gold base colors are fine-tuned to express high quality, with a matt finish for a calm expression of a slow and easy dinner at home.
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