美容室用ヘアケア製品「リシオ アテンジェ」 

Hair Salon Use Hair-Care Product 
Milbon Co., Ltd.

Category: Packaging Product Date: 2013

"Liscio Atenje" is the "Straight & Hair-Care" system brand offering the exclusive hair-care for home use and straight mousse for beauty salons in a set. The product has features the restraining effects such as friction of hairs with moisture and damage of hairs from repeated hairdos and able to keep beautiful hairs.

We designed the container with utilizing geometric nature of the packaging materials to embody the effects of keeping beautiful straight hairs. The geometric nature brought certain design effects by the contrast of twisted surface created by making one of the edge lines of tapered hexagonal cylinder being curved, and the linear surface lining in order. We aimed to appeal the elegant and quality expressions by the color imbued with the depths and translucency while succeeding the image of red as the existing brand color of Liscio.