Pasty plastic folders
PLUS Corporation
Category: Packaging Product Date: 2016
シリーズのPasty smart(パスティスマート)は、Pastyの特徴的なポケット形状を背表紙のラベルホルダーとして継承したオフィス向け商品です。背ラベルを横から出し入れする構造にするなど、ビジネスシーンでの使いやすさに配慮しています。
Pasty is a line of soft-colored plastic folders mainly targeted at high school girls.
There are two front pockets for small items like note papers, and a larger back pocket for loose-leaf sheets or notebooks. The three pockets are practical and at the same time designed in beautiful curved forms like overlapping petals. In this project we were responsible for the basic product design, coloring and logotype design.