東京BRT VI計画
Tokyo BRT visual identity plan
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Category: Branding Date: 2020
東京BRTは、東京の都心部と臨海部を結び、交通需要の増加への対応や地域の発展を支える新しい公共交通機関として開発されたサービスです。BRTとは「Bus Rapid Transit」バス高速輸送システムの略称で、連節バスをシンボルとしつつ、路面電車と比較して遜色のない輸送力と機能、定時性・速達性の確保を目指しています。
Tokyo BRT is a new public transportation service developed to connect Tokyo's urban center and waterfront areas, responding to increasing transportation demand and supporting regional development. BRT, or the Bus Rapid Transit system, adopts a connected bus as its symbol. It is a high speed transportation system aiming to ensure speedy on-time mass transit comparable to that of streetcars.
This was a unified total design project, directed by GK Sekkei and with GK Industrial Design and GK Graphics collaborating as a team on the interior and exterior design of the buses, signage and furniture for the bus stops, visual identity including the symbol mark and public relations media design etc.
In the symbol mark, the initial letter "B" of BRT is drawn as a line in rainbow colors connecting the two points symbolizing the city center and the waterfront area, expressing the surprise, liveliness and transformation the new line will bring about as a new value.
The graphic sub-elements express the routes of the BRT in gradient bands and color surfaces, and are designed to allow interpretations, such as varying the widths of the bands or extracting arbitrary gradients to adapt to various application developments, and to convey their inherent narrative to users in a more emotional way.
写真家:橋本 陽Photographer: Yo Hashimoto
ロゴアニメーション:山道 貴太 https://silvre.myportfolio.com/Logo animation: Takahiro Yamamichi https://silvre.myportfolio.com/