“Tiger Vacuum Bottle” Symbol Mark
Tiger Corporation.
Category: Branding Date: 1983
業容発展と60周年を期して社名を改称し、未来に向って大きくステップアップするタイガーの姿勢と意志を明確に表現するためにCI を実施しました。生活用品の総合メーカーとして、新しいライフスタイルの多様化にこたえ、生活のあらゆる局面で求められる洗練されたファッション性を重視しています。タイガーのシンボルであるトラのマークを近代的に若々しくリフレッシュさせ、国際性のあるシンプルで力強いデザインとしました。
The renewal work of the Corporate Identity was done to clearly express the posture of the Tiger. It largely stepped up toward the future by changing the company name as its business development was hoped as sixtieth anniversary was approaching.
The company intended to serve people for their diversified new life style. It was also focused on refined and fashionable trend required in all aspects of life. It was demanded that the company's symbol mark should be refreshed to met up dated styling. It had to inspire simple, international, and hefty feeling, and also it was required to express compliant, clear and familiar design.
Logotype: OBAYASHI Mikihito