Sukoyaka (Healthy) Sesame Oil
Kadoya Sesame Mills Incorporated/ADK Marketing Solutions Inc.
Category: packaging Date: 2021
(※ 関与成分が「ごま由来の成分」である特定保健用食品として。)
Having a history of over 160 years in producing sesame oil, Kadoya Sesame Mills has developed the "Sukoyaka Sesame Oil" as a Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU), with the aim of disseminating knowledge on the health benefits of sesame oil. The product of 10 years of development, it is the first* FOSHU in Japan that helps reduce serum LDL cholesterol while maintaining the tastiness of sesame oil. The yellow label of the previous product was changed to gold, expressing a sense of luxury as a high-priced product, together with a new sense of functionality as a FOSHU, while retaining the product image of KADOYA oil products which pride a long history and a high market share.
*The first as a FOSHU with sesame-derived ingredients as the relevant ingredient.