
HANAMARUKI “Honoka” miso 
Hanamaruki Foods Inc.

Category: Packaging Date: 2002

Miso soup represents tradition all Japanese food. Miso soup, the origin of all Japanese homemade taste, has been well inherited in the taste of every Japanese. For that reason, it is called as a most conservative food in the kind. It is said that the case of changing a customary used miso soup taste to a new taste is rare. With a long period of development, this is the excellence of the kind with the cherishing yet new trinity of"fragrance, flavor and body" produced by blending rustic miso and the one made from fava beans. The miso was named as"Honoka"(delicate fragrance) after the distinctive fragrance, and special care in expressing quality and intending a background in nostalgia and deep taste, clear distinction of the taste, was expressed in the brush script of the product name.