東京都立大学 シンボルマーク
Symbol mark for Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Category: Branding Date: 2017
このマークは、都立大の英名である「Tokyo Metropolitan University」の「T」と上向きの「矢印」を、大学らしい伝統や格式を感じさせる図形に組み込み合わせています。上向きの矢印は、主体性を持って活動する学生、高い研究力と教育力を持つ教員、大学の基盤を支える職員、それぞれの「自発の心」を表します。また矢印を構成している2つの青は、学生同士や教職員同士、あるいは学生と教職員の関係を表しており、互いに近い距離で高め合うことが、独自の教育の質に結びついていることを意味しています。
We designed a symbol mark for the Tokyo Metropolitan University to show their policy toward the future and to enhance brand recognition and image.
The mark combines the University's initial letter T and an upward arrow in a figure that displays tradition and formality appropriate for the university. The upward arrow shows the strong initiatives of the players; the students in their autonomous activity, the faculty in their individual study and teaching ability, and the staff supporting the base of the system. The three tones of blue represent the relationship between the students, between the teachers, and between the students, teachers and staff, all in close collaboration to elevate each other's consciousness, to produce a unique quality in education. The co-creation process included discussions with the faculty team and workshops with student volunteers. Name cards, stationery and novelty goods such as sweatshirts were also designed.