Visions of the Future
GK Graphics
Visions of the Future
GK Graphics
Category: Design Study, Branding, Web/UI Date: 2021
In April 2020, GK Graphics established a Digital Development Department. Utilizing the knowledge and experience in UX (user experience) and branding that we have cultivated over the years, now in the midst of DX (digital transformation) we are exploring the future of communication design in the XR (cross/extended reality) era.
ストーリーのなかで私たちは「フィジカル」と「デジタル」が日常的に重なり合うXR(クロス/エクステンディッド・リアリティ)の世界に着目しています。XRにおける一連のUXを通じたコミュニケーションの質をデザインすることが私たちの役割と捉えています。As a model future vision we have created a prototype story for the year 2030, using an art museum as the scene of a future where digital communication design supports the nurturing of people's well-being. (Digest version video: 2 min 50 sec, turn on audio to hear the narration)
In this story, we focus on the world of XR (cross/extended reality) where physical and digital coexist and overlap quite naturally. We see our role here as designing the quality of communication through a series of UXs in the XR.
ストーリー内容は美術館をXR化し、「展示」と「収集・保管・研究」の間にある従来の垣根を取り払うことで、より踏み込んだ鑑賞体験を提供することができるようになることをベースにしています。また個々の体験をデジタル・コミュニケーションデザインでより良く連鎖させる事で良質なBrandingを形成し、それらの循環はやがて人々のウェルビーイングに繋がると考えています。The story is based on the idea of XR-izing the museum and breaking down the traditional wall between the functions "exhibition" and "collection, storage, research," to provide a deeper viewing experience. We also believe that by better linking individual experiences through digital communication design, we can achieve a better quality branding, and that these cycles will eventually lead to people's well-being.
ストーリーを通してコミュニケーションデザインでXR体験をつないでいく様子を描きました。この考え方は美術館に限らず様々な分野や領域にも応用できると考えています。人間の行動や心理を追いかけていくことで、豊かな人間らしさを育むXR時代のコミュニケーションデザインを軸に提案活動を行ってまいります。Through the story, we depicted how communication design can connect XR experiences. We believe that this concept can be applied not only to museums but also to various other fields and domains. Keeping an eye on human behavior and psychologies, we will continue our activity and study, aiming to propose communication design of the XR era that can foster rich humanity.