“Marine Gate Shiogama” Signage Planning
Port of Shiogama Development Co.
Category: Environment Date: 1995
デザインの基本形態は、町の歴史や文化から導き出した塩の結晶をモチーフとし、建築のエレメントやサインの基本形状、印刷物のグリッドシステムに展開しました。 色彩体系においては、船の信号旗から引用した三原色を図として、町や自然環境から抽出した塩釜石の色を地としました。前者の色彩はサインの本体色や施設の機能色として、後者の色彩は建築物の壁面や印刷物のパターン等に使用しています。
The design project for the terminal of sight seeing tour boats of Shiogama City of Miyagi Prefecture was undertaken. Establishing a design system was intended here.
The system has a catalyst like role to connect the terminal and existing town, and to mutually revitalize them. Employed for the primary style of design the crystal of salt, abstracted from the history and culture of the town, was set as a motif. The architectural element and the primary form of sign were developed into the grid system of printed matters.
The three primary colors from signal flags of boats were used for graphic elements. The elements were placed in the background color abstracted from Shiogama stone found in the town and surrounding natural environment. The former colors were used for the body of signage and functional indication, and the latter was used for a building wall and printed matter.