GKグラフィックス オフィスリニューアル
GK Graphics
GK Graphics office renewal
GK Graphics
Category: Environment Date: 2020
Our office renewal project started in 2017 and went through a series of steps including internal surveys and workshops. We identified potential needs in style, facilities and layout, and aimed to create an office that each member would find easy to use and empathize with.
The office space consists of two areas: a large central area for "Play" and the area surrounding it for "Work." The “Play” area accommodates chats and light meetings, designed to trigger communication between members. The “Work” area is for concentrating on individual work. The interior style is in living room taste, with colors based on wood and gray, for spending time together in a relaxed mood.
The plan allows future free-address layouts, with flexibility to accommodate drastically changing work styles under COVID situations.
→ 内装・家具設計/造作家具施工:inter.office→ Interior and furniture design/furniture construction: inter.office