“Sumida-Gawa” Terrace Signage Planning
Category: Environment Date: 1994
このサイン計画は都民がこれらの施設を認知し、快適に利用できるように周辺地区からの案内誘導と出入りおよび整備地区内移動をスムーズにすることを 目的としました。また造形面では江戸の活気の象徴である町火消しの纏や歌舞伎の緞帳などに用いられた縞(ストライプ)をモチーフとし、情報の多い市街地や、広大な河川空間においての顕在化を図りました。
Since mid 1980, Sumida-Gawa tide embankment has been maintained as the terrace in the part of Super Embankment, and it has been opened for public as the stroll path along water way. However, it has been poorly recognized with people in Tokyo and has not been used as it was anticipated.
The Signage Planning was to aim at making smooth guidance and comfortable use for people from peripheral area who were in and out of the path and strolling in it. The signage was arranged with graphical motifs of stripes used in a fireman's standard and a theatrical curtain in Edo period symbolizing peoples' vitality. The signage made themselves outstanding from visually congested urban area and vast openness of the river.