ことばのかたち – 声の豊かさを文字に込める
GK Graphics
The Form of Words – infusing typography with rich vocal expression
GK Graphics
Category: Design Study Date: 2015
制作協力:株式会社 GKテック
株式会社 日装社
This is one of the exhibits from GK Graphicsʼ 30th Anniversary Exhibition.
This is a prototype focusing on voices. When you read the text on the screen aloud, the appearance of the fonts will change; an experiment to visualize oral tones as typography that reflects the characteristic of the voice. In digital textual communication such as emails or text messages, individual personality and emotional nuance is often scraped away. By conveying these qualities through typography, we aim to explore the future possibility of richer communication.
Production cooperation: GK Tech Inc., Saga-bon Font Project, Nissousha Co., Ltd.
→ GKグラフィックス30周年企画→ GK Graphics 30th Anniversary Exhibition