みんなの牛乳 – 想いを伝えるパッケージ
GK Graphics
Milk Cartons for Everyone – package to carry personal feelings
GK Graphics
Category: Design Study Date: 2015
制作協力:有限会社 オグラプリント
This is one of the exhibits from GK Graphicsʼ 30th Anniversary Exhibition.
The subject, milk cartons, is something everyone is familiar with. Here we experimented on how the message on a package would change when the target of the design is narrowed down to an extreme.
The basic function of package design is to convey the value, quality and attributes of the contents, but we think its most important role is to touch the feelings of the audience. In this case we cut down textual information to a minimum and focused on intuitive communication. We aimed to highlight the importance of a clear focus on the target of communication and choosing the optimum expression.
Each carton is specially designed for one of the 18 target people. Pick one up and try to guess who it is for; you can find the answer on the bottom of the carton.
Production cooperation: Ogura Print
→ GKグラフィックス30周年企画→ GK Graphics 30th Anniversary Exhibition