“Toyonokuni Libraries for Culture Resources” Information Machine
Oita Precture
Category: Web/UI Date: 1995
インフォメーションマシンはエントランスホールに設置され、施設概要と催事情報の案内を行っています。施設概要は受付不在時に来館者を目的の場所までの順路を案内します。催事情報は日々変化する視聴覚ホールや研修室での催事案内を、変更内 容も含めて的確かつ即刻に伝える必要があります。運営側にとっては、これらの情報は煩雑になりやすく、事務所内での整理と来館者への提示は手間がかかります。そこで事務所内とエントランスをネットワーク化し、独自のソフトを開発してその画像デザインを行いました。
"Toyo No Kuni Information Library" is a consolidated public facilities consists of archives, the library of historical wisdoms.
An information machine is installed in the entrance hall, and it informs about the outlines of the facilities and events. The outlines show visitors a route for their aiming facilities when a receptionist is not on duty. Event information should inform, correctly and immediately including a change, about an event varying every day held in the audio visual hall and seminar room. The management of the information for visitors tends to be complicated and time consuming for the operator of the facilities. Therefore the information was specially formulated in graphical design by developing a customized software and creating a network between the management office and entrance.