目白駅の改札は池袋寄り1カ所です。改札を出て右側に進み、学習院の手前の角を右折してください。緩やかな坂道を下り、コンビニエンスストアで左に曲がり、すぐに右折、つぎのT字路を右折した小道を進んでください。左側の奥にある煉瓦色の2階建ての建物です。Getting off at Mejiro Station of the Yamanote Line JR. When you exit the ticket gate, turn to the right along the front yard of the station, turn to the right at the signaled intersection. Along a mild down slope, you will hit a Convenience Store at the dead end of signaled T shape street, turn to the left, and turn to the right at the left corner of the Convenience Store’s facilities. Turn to the right at the alley behind the building (first block) corner. Go straight to the end of the blind alley, on left hand side, you will see our office entrance.
*山手線 目白駅より徒歩5分
*山手線 地下鉄東西線 高田馬場駅より徒歩8分5 minutes walk from the Mejiro Station. Or 8 minutes walk from the Takadanobaba Station.
161-0033 東京都新宿区下落合 2-1-15GK Graphics Incorporated
2-1-15 Shimo-ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0033
Telephone 03-5952-6831+81-3-5952-6831
Facsimile 03-5952-6832+81-3-5952-6832